Chain ends are several meters long and joined together by means of special chain couplings GV and GN, while buckets are fitted directly on the chain with pins passing through the chain links and through sidewalls welded onto the buckets.
Alternatively the buckets can be fixed with special attachments ATS.
The chains LH, as well as teeth, connectors and pins designed for toothed wheels bucket elevators, are made of high quality alloy steel, submitted to special treatments to enhance their duration and resistance properties. The chains LH are carburized and specially heat-treated to attain different effective and total hardening depths, depending on the use of the products.
Most frequently used chains are chains LH grade B (LH-B), with surface hardness exceeding 64 HRC (800 HV 30), min. effective and total hardening depth equal to 0.07 d and 0.11 d min respectively (d = diameter).
Chains LH grade A are used for machines with very high forces and fewer wear problems, whereas chains LH grade C/CS are used for machines submitted to extreme wear.
CICSA can also provide you with custommade solutions for solving special problems. Our accurated calibration system guarantees extremely high precision: the tolerance on the lenght in each pair is 0.05% at the most, whereas the tolerance on the chain lengh ranges from –0.15% to +0.4%.